If you want to save money on your credit cards, you don't always have to switch providers to get a better deal. In fact, you can start right at home by asking your current credit card lender if they can give you a better deal than the one you have now.
This is the first thing you should do if you want a better deal but you aren't sure what to do because you're happy with the service your current credit card gives you. Even though you might think it would be easier to just switch to a different lender, this couldn't be further from the truth. At the end of the day, you should have a credit card that works for you, not the credit card company.
If you're happy with your current credit card and the benefits and service you get, read on to learn how easy it can be to get a better deal.
First, you need to ask yourself if you pay on time, haven't missed any payments, and have an overall good payment history with your credit card company. If so, you're in a good position to ask for a lower APR rate. If you don't meet any of the above requirements, you may need to fix your credit history before you can ask your credit card company for a better deal.
Once you've made sure you have the right credentials, look for the best deals in the credit card market right now so you can tell them about the better offers you've received from other credit card companies. This is just another tool you can use to get what you want. If you have a good payment history and have had the card for a long time, most credit card companies don't want to lose good customers, so even if you don't get what you want, you may still get something.
When you call your credit card company, be sure to stay calm and polite. This is especially important if the person on the other end of the phone says, having a bad day. Just ask to be put through to a supervisor or manager and stay calm and polite while doing so.
If you get to the point where the credit card company has made you a better offer (I said "if" because you should always be ready for them to say no), compare it to the other offers you have written down, tell them, and if they can't beat or even come close to matching it, tell them that you will be canceling your account with them and that you want it confirmed. If this doesn't work and they still won't budge on the APR, then go to the next step.