Balance transfer cards are great for people who want to move debt from a card with a high interest rate to one with a lower interest rate. Since the interest rates will be lower, moving the balance will save you money. Still, you need to be careful because some card companies tend to charge high fees when you transfer a balance.
Online is a good place to find some of the best balance transfer cards. You'll find a lot of information here that will help you get loans and credit cards. Most sites have information about all aspects of credit cards, such as the APR, introductory rate, protection against fraud, balance transfers, rewards, and more.
The lender gives a 0% introductory rate on purchases and balance transfers for the first year. This is a huge benefit, since most lenders will only offer the introductory 0% rate on balance transfers. The card is good for people who want a low APR over time. The fact that you won't have to pay fees to transfer balances during the introductory period is another big plus of this card.
Fraud Protection
The important extra feature of this card is that it protects against fraud. Identity theft has hurt a lot of people over the past few years. The card also gives you instant approval when you apply online, but you have to have very good credit to get it. You will be covered when you travel and in case of an accident. You will also be covered when you rent a car. The bad thing about this card is that it doesn't have any new card services.
Think about these things:
- Travel accident coverage: This perk is a great reward in and of itself and will make up for any points you lose by not having a rewards programme.
- Fraud protection: What does it mean to you to feel safe knowing that your identity is safe?
- Do rewards matter more than keeping your identity safe?
- Protection for car rentals: If you rent cars often when you travel, this is an insurance plan for you.
One of the many credit cards you can get is the Citi Diamond Preferred. This card's deals end at random, but sometimes the issuers will give a 0% introductory APR on balance transfers for up to a year. Some offers won't have 0% interest on purchases or cash advances, which is too bad. This card, on the other hand, has a rewards programme that lets you earn points that you can spend on a wide range of services and/or goods. This will include travel, restaurant, and product points, among other things. This card doesn't charge an annual fee, and it also doesn't charge a fee to transfer a balance, which is a great perk since most balance transfer fees are between 3% and 4%. If you're looking for a credit card, don't wait to apply while the deals are still good.