Fraud with credit cards is getting worse, and if you aren't careful, you could lose money to thieves. This article could help you if you are worried about fraud but don't know how to protect yourself and your credit cards. Here are some tips and advice that can help you avoid credit card fraud:
Ways to trick people
As criminals learn new tricks and get better technology, the number and types of fraud are growing.
Fraud with credit cards is getting worse, and if you aren't careful, you could lose money to thieves. This article could help you if you are worried about fraud but don't know how to protect yourself and your credit cards. Here are some tips and advice that can help you avoid credit card fraud:
Ways to trick people
As criminals learn new tricks and get better technology, the ways and types of fraud are growing. The most common ways to cheat people today are:
- ATM fraud
- Making copies and "cloning" cards
- Internet card fraud
- Taking a PIN number
All of these methods are being used more often than ever to steal your money. Credit card fraud is something that can't be stopped completely, but there are things you can do to make it much less likely.
Hold on to your cards
Make sure you don't ever lose sight of your cards. Don't leave your card alone, and don't give your card to anyone. If you are paying for something in a store or restaurant, make sure you keep an eye on where your card is. Getting your card information while you pay is a common way to copy it, so keep an eye on it at all times.
Check-in slips
Check that all the items and amounts on your receipts and credit card bills are correct. If there are any amounts you don't understand, you should contact the company that issued your card right away. Any papers you throw away should be thrown away in the right way. Shred documents so that people can't find your card information by going through your trash.
Check your back.
Make sure no one is looking over your shoulder to read your PIN when you take money out of an ATM. Seeing your PIN and then stealing your card is the easiest way for someone to use your card without your permission. Also, make sure you don't write down your PIN or keep it close to your cards.
Use trusted companies
Make sure that when you buy something on the Internet, you only buy it from a large, well-known company. Even if they are real, small or unknown providers should be avoided because their security and encryption may not be good enough to keep fraudsters out.
Save phone numbers
If someone steals your card or you think you've been a victim of credit card fraud, you should take care of the problem as soon as possible. Keep your card issuer's phone number in a safe place so that you can call them right away if something goes wrong. Fraud can cause less damage or not happen at all if you are careful and act quickly.