There is a difference between a credit card from an airline that gives you frequent flyer miles and a credit card that gives you airline miles as a reward. It's a good idea to compare the offers side by side, just like when you're shopping for any other consumer product.
Credit cards for airlines that offer frequent flyer miles
A credit card for an airline is only good for that airline. Every dollar you spend on that airline gets you one air mile, and your miles are automatically added to your frequent flyer account. If you want to choose...
There is a difference between a credit card from an airline that gives you frequent flyer miles and a credit card that gives you airline miles as a reward. It's a good idea to compare the offers side by side, just like when you're shopping for any other consumer product.
Credit cards for airlines that offer frequent flyer miles
A credit card for an airline is only good for that airline. Every dollar you spend on that airline gets you one air mile, and your miles are automatically added to your frequent flyer account. This card is for you if you like to fly with a certain airline more than others.
Most airlines have partners like hotels, restaurants, and car rental companies. When you use your card to buy services from any of their partners, you usually get points. You may also have the option of using your points to move up to first class. Some airlines give you an extra ticket as a special bonus for every full-priced ticket you buy.
Most airline credit cards have an annual fee, even if you don't use the card that year. They also tend to have higher interest rates, so if you don't pay off your balance in full every month, this may not be the card for you.
Credit Card with Air Miles as a Perk
If you want to choose from different airlines, you might want a credit card with air miles as a reward. You can get bonus points that you can turn into air miles that you can use on any airline. Most credit cards with rewards don't have annual fees and have lower interest rates than airline credit cards.
You can't use frequent flyer miles to get air miles with a reward credit card. With an airline credit card, you can easily change your flight plans at the last minute. With a reward credit card, you usually have to give 21 days' notice and stay at least one Saturday night. Most airline miles on reward cards can only be used in the continental U.S. or in a certain zone.
If you travel internationally, you might want an airline credit card with frequent flyer miles. Those air miles can add up fast. But if you just want to earn enough points for a short trip within the U.S. or a certain area, a reward credit card with air miles would be better for you if you use your card for everyday purchases and pay off the balance every month.
Before choosing between an airline credit card with frequent flyer miles and a reward credit card with air miles, think about what you need and how much money you have.