People often say that bad things can happen to you even if you don't do anything wrong. The same is true of jobs and careers. In today's fast-paced world, anything can happen: a lack of jobs, mass layoffs and retrenchments, reorganisations and mergers. When it happens, it can be devastating for many people, especially if they don't have enough money saved, have a lot of debt, and are behind on payments.
The best way to ease the pain of losing something is to be ready for it.
People often say that bad things can happen to you even if you don't do anything wrong. The same is true of jobs and careers. In today's fast-paced world, anything can happen: a lack of jobs, mass layoffs and retrenchments, reorganisations and mergers. When it happens, it can be devastating for many people, especially if they don't have enough money saved, have a lot of debt, and are behind on payments.
The best way to deal with losing money is to always be ready for it. If you have insurance for your job, you can keep getting paid and enjoying the benefits of it. Employment insurance can help you get help with things like child care, caring for a sick family member, caring for a newborn, fishing benefits, and many other things.
To get job insurance, all you have to do is fill out an online application. Employment insurance is paid even if the person applying for it will get money while they are out of work.
When you apply for unemployment insurance, you will need a "Record of Employment," which you can get from your last employer, or proof of employment, such as pay slips, pay stubs, and certification.
When you apply for a job with Insurance, you will also need the following documents:
Number for social insurance. If the first number in your SIN is a 9, that means you are an immigrant. You will also need to show your immigration status and work permit. You will need to show proof of work from the last 52 weeks. In order to get medical and sickness benefits, you will need to show a medical certificate. Bring your driver's licence, passport, or birth certificate with you when you apply in person. Give full bank information as well.
Checks or checks that have already been cashed from your personal account will be needed, since payments will be sent straight to that account. When you apply for parental benefits, you will need the Social Security number of the other parent.
If you want to get compassionate care benefits, you have to give a medical certificate. You will also have to give your version of what happened to cause you to lose your job. Along with this is a list of your total salary before any deductions, including commissions and other income benefits, as well as the total amount you will get, including severance pay, vacation pay, pension, etc.
Don't wait to apply for unemployment insurance. If you wait longer than four weeks, you could be fined or lose your benefits.
If you get money from social services while you're waiting for your Employment Insurance benefit, you'll have to pay it back out of your Employment Insurance benefit.
If you are sick and can't apply for unemployment insurance, an appointment representative can fill out the paperwork for you.
After you've applied for unemployment insurance, you'll get a benefit statement in the mail. It will have a date for your first report and a code to use to get in. Even though you have an access code, it doesn't mean that your claim has been decided yet. This will come with instructions for how to finish your report.
If you file your report with all the required information, you will start getting your unemployment insurance benefits 28 days after filing.