I make a living by selling people payday loans for fast cash, and I have to tell you. People don't treat loan sharks fairly. It's even in the name, isn't it? Loan sharks. But what I really do when I help someone get a fast cash payday loan is give a poor guy another chance who would have none without me. I do make money from the poor, but is that such a bad thing? People don't have to come to me to get a fast cash payday loan; they come to me on their own. If what I was doing was hurting them in some way, why in the world would they want to do it? But try telling that to the people who are protesting outside my fast cash payday loan centre.
People say that what I do is usury. I don't know anything about that, but my mother always told me that you can't use someone who doesn't want to be used. Yes, my interest rates are high, but it's not like these people don't already have a lot of debt. It's the same old thing, and you know what to do. Taking from one person to pay another, as the saying goes. And it's important that I give these people money right now, because that can keep them out of serious legal trouble for at least six months. And you know, a fast cash payday loan can be enough for some people to start to get their heads above water again. People tell me that that fast cash payday loan is so unfair and takes advantage of people, but it might be the only thing keeping some of these people from losing their homes.
And this isn't some brand-new trick. I didn't start a fast cash payday loan scam on the internet overnight or anything. I was just following the latest trend. This is a business run by a family. We've been a part of this community for a long time, helping people who need a payday loan quickly and also doing some business as a pawn broker. Now, I'm neither proud nor ashamed of what I do. Everyone has to make a living, and I do what I have to do. If that is wrong in some way, I don't see what it is. I help the poor out when they need a payday loan quickly.